How to Remove Scratches from Your Car!

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Scratches are unavoidable. Every car, even a brand new one, can easily get scratched. There are tons of ways scratches can get to the car. They can also be caused by mistake while rubbing grit off the car. Clearcoat scratches can be removed in 5 simple steps.

Car paint scratch

In order to fix a scratch, it’s important to understand the paint job of your car. The car paint is made up of 3 layers:

  • Primer: Which is the coat of paint over the bare metal body of the car.
  • Base Coat (color): This coat gives the car its color.
  • Clear-Coat: This coat gives the car its glossy shine and it is the thickest paint layer (0.03-0.05mm). The car wax comes over this layer of paint. Car Wax can be used to fill small imperfections and light scratches on the paint.

Car paint coating

Steps to Fix Car Scratches

Step 1: Wipe out the Dirt

You need soapy water and a clean towel to wipe off any dirt or grit in the area of the scratch. If your towel has its tag on, it’s best to remove the tag as it can cause more scratches. Also, remove the ring, wrist watches or any other jewelry from your hands, as they can scratch the body of the car. This will also help you identify if the scratch is removable. If the soapy water makes the scratch disappear, it means the scratch can be removed.

Scratches and deep scratch


Step 2: Masking 

Place masking tape about 1 inch above and below the scratch. The purpose of placing the masking tape is to help in keeping track of the area of the scratch. When you start rubbing off the scratch, it will be difficult to keep track of the scratch surface.

Step 3: Sand the Scratched Area

You need to sand the scratched area. If the scratch is deep and you can feel it with your fingernail, you will need a 3000 grid sandpaper. The rule of thumb is, the lesser the number on the grit paper the less finely it is. This means that the 3000 grit paper is not as fine as the 5000 grit paper. So if the scratch is not so deep, you might want to rub it off with a 5000 grit sandpaper.

When sanding, you need to sand perpendicular to the scratch (against the grain of the scratch). A good tip while sanding is to place a kitchen sponge in between the sandpaper. This helps even out the pressure you apply on the sandpaper when rubbing the scratch. Sprinkle enough soapy water on the sandpaper and scratch and begin to rub perpendicular to the scratch. You will need to put medium pressure on it. When you start scratching, wipe off the area every once in a while to check if the scratch is still there. You need to be careful not to sand too deep, so once the scratch is gone you need to stop sanding.

Step 4: Fine Polish

What you need for this step is a fine polish. A polish for fine scratch and swirl remover will be ideal. Before you begin, clean the area with soapy water to clear off any dirt or grit; this will avoid new scratches. Take a clean microfiber towel and apply the polish on it.  Rub the polish in a circular pattern so that you can cover all angles of the scratch. You might have to apply two coats of polish. You can buy various car polishes online from the PakWheels Auto Shop.

Step 5: Wipe the Polished Surface

Use paste wax to wipe the polished surface. The reason why a paste wax is preferred over a liquid wax because it fills up the scratch properly. Wax fills any microscopic scratches and also protects the clear coat.


paint scratch removal

The best part of this scratch removing technique is that you can remove scratches without any special tools. A tip to keep in mind is to gently sand the scratch and be mindful not to sand too deep into the paint.

Use of Toothpaste: 

You can also remove the scratches from your car by simply using toothpaste. For this method, clean the area of scratch with microfiber towel. Then apply the toothpaste on the scratch and rub it gently with your finger. Then take a clean cloth, preferably a microfiber towel, and rub the scratch and surrounding area. Apply a bit pressure while rubbing the toothpaste, and use some water during the process. Do it for couple of minutes. You can reapply the paste again and rub it more. Try to clean the scratch as much as possible. This technique is usually usable for removing paint splashes, a minor scratches on the body.

Use of Rubbing Compound: 

Another easy and rather cheap method to remove dirt marks or paint splashes is to use rubbing compound. You can find it easily in the market. Just like toothpaste, apply the compound on scratch, sprinkle some water and rub it with a clean microfiber cloth. Rub it for a few minutes and get your desired result. This easy method usually remove the dirty sport quite easily. However, you could feel a small bump over the spot after rubbing and cleaning of this compound. But it is very minor and way better than painting whole effected section of your car.

You can Find the best car scratch remover for your car here.


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  1. Khawar says

    How to remove deep scratch?

  2. Shiraz Maqbool says

    Get a paint job.

  3. Atiq Samar says

    from where i get a 3000/5000 grid sand paper

  4. Muntasir says

    A clear lacquer spray can be permanent solution rather than wax.

  5. Soccer Guy says

    Want to understand you are sanding clear coat and applying polish and wax? Why? Cant we do it without sanding clear coat?

  6. Uzair Ali Javed says

    same question

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