Rawalpindi Police Crackdown On Underaged Drivers

The Rawalpindi City Traffic Police (CTP) issued 39 tickets to rickshaw drivers who were underage, unlicensed, or unregistered. Furthermore, due to a lack of documentation, CTP seized numerous vehicles at police stations throughout the city.

Taimoor Khan, Rawalpindi’s Chief Traffic Officer (CTO), praised the traffic officers at Kalar Syedan and gave orders to improve traffic arrangements. He stated that officers are responsible for maintaining traffic flow in their respective circles.

These measures were taken specially to discourage underage drivers and the consequent traffic accidents that take place in the city. Underage rickshaw drivers are a common sight in the city. This practice of underage driving not only puts their lives in danger, but their inexperienced driving leads to disturbances in traffic as well.

Rawalpindi’s Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Taimoor Khan also ordered the relevant departments to demolish illegal bus stations. In addition to issuing challans, the Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) has issued orders for drivers under the age of 18 to be apprehended at police stations and not to be released until a written statement is provided by their parents. 

Additionally, the CTO attributed major road accidents to reckless teenage and rickshaw drivers and demanded that stringent measures be taken to curb such incidents. Consequently, the CTO has instructed the department to adopt a zero-tolerance policy toward those who violate traffic rules.

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