Recommended Battery

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Do you know which type of battery is best for you car?

Batteries are the powerhouse of our vehicle and are essential in powering up our cars. Batteries are needed to run wipers, play music, turn on the light etc. Batteries recharge themselves when the engine run but this doesn’t mean it would last forever and you have to replace them. Therefore, there is a need that one should know about different type of batteries.

Types of Batteries:

The description of the different types of batteries available in Pakistan is as follows:

Dry Battery:

Dry cell car batteries are considered maintenance-free and charge faster than conventional wet cell batteries. Since AGM material has a low electrical resistance, the battery emits more power and efficiency than other types of batteries but their downside is that these batteries are very expensive and usually come without any warranty since these are imported.

Sealed Maintenance-Free Battery:

These batteries are 100% Maintenance Free and do not require any water top-up throughout their life. These batteries come pre-charged from the factory with the best quality electrolyte. SMFB type batteries offer longer service life and are cost-effective as compared to a dry cell battery.

Conventional Battery:

Often called Dry charged batteries, these are mostly used in Pakistan due to their low cost. These batteries require charging and water top-up before they can be installed in a car.

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