Total cars sale fall but Corolla sales rise in Pakistan

An increase in sales of cars by 14% has been noticed during September 2014 when car sales jumped by 14 percent year on year to 12,693 units compared with 11,166 units sold in September of 2013.

The newly launched Toyota Corolla boosted up the sales of cars in market and achieved high sales of 2,358 units which is up 106% year on year basis from last year, according to a report by Global research report.

While, on the other side the cumulative/total sales of cars has declined by 3% year on year,if we compare the units of sold of first three months of fiscal year 2015 with 2014, than 942 were sold less than last year.

The global research report revealed that increase in advance taxes for non-filer purchase of new vehicles, a launch of Corolla in July impacted on decline of cumulative sales of cars in current period.

At PakWheels forums, there is an old joke that Pakistan State Bank could replace gold with Corollas to back the rupee, it is actually true.


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