Using Facebook ‘likes’ and insulting comments to get yourself a car

Facebook is a great way to waste your time but at the same time, it is really a good place to do some couch-stalking and staying connected with everyone, even those with whom you just have hi-hello. But we’ve just been exposed to how it can help in getting yourself a car.

You’d be thinking that we’re most probably talking about a competition where a person submit memes or photos and whoever get the most likes, wins! But no! Randy Puderbaugh Jr’s wife gave him a challenge if he wants to get a Subaru STI this year, the challenge: Get one million likes and one thousand rude comments on a picture on Facebook.

Randy has posted the photo at Subaru South America’s page and has crossed the 389,000 likes and the word hasn’t even been completely spread. It’s a noble cause if you ask and a fun way for wives to work towards the car they dreamed off. So you like this picture at this link if you think it’s worth it.

And in other part of the world, a Swedish dad has promised his son that upon getting 100,000 likes, he’ll get a Nissan GT-R and he has already crossed the target.

I think I’ll also to try a battle of likes to get a car if someone promises me one?! Anyone?