
Car Dashcam 7Omai 1080P

Adiala Road, Rawalpindi Punjab

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DVR Xiaomi 70mai dash cam midrive D01

The main innovation of the 70mai dash cam midrive D01 recorder is to recognize voice commands. It reacts to setting the following tasks: enable recording, take a picture, enable sound recording, connect to Wi-Fi.

The device is based on a powerful MStar chipset, so you can not worry about the device hanging or turning off.

A clean, clear, bright image, made at any time of the day, provides a Sony IMX323. The gadget is able to recognize the numbers of cars at a distance of 70 meters!

On recording in 1920x1080 resolution, the pixel can be considered all small details, episodes of the incident, which will be a powerful basis for a competent investigation.

The viewing angle of the lens is 130 degrees, so that it covers an impressive area in front of the vehicle and fixes the objects located along the road.

The 70mai dash cam midrive D01 is equipped with a Wi-Fi module, which compensates for the absence of a buil

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