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New Car FAQs

Popular new cars in Pakistan include Honda Civic, Suzuki Alto and Toyota Corolla.
Popular new car brands in Pakistan include Honda, Toyota and Suzuki.
There are a total of 12 new car models expected to launch in Pakistan with 2024 Toyota Corolla, 2024 Changan UNI-K and 2024 Toyota Corolla Hybrid launching soon.
Electric cars are offered by Audi, MG, and BMW in Pakistan.


Find new cars from to avoid any hassle. You can see the new car prices in Pakistan through our new car price section. Moreover, one can get the exact price of the vehicles through the on-road price calculator as well. You can choose your desired vehicles and buy your dream car within the right budget through our find new cars section. 

As we are the leading automotive website in the country, you can also get first-hand knowledge of new car launch in Pakistan, and also the latest vehicles in Pakistan that are being introduced by the companies such as Honda, Toyota, Suzuki, Kia, Hyundai, Changan, MG and Proton.

If you are having trouble finding the car dealers, then you can easily find it from our dealers’ section. Furthermore, if there is any trouble at deciding which vehicle to buy, you can browse our videos of cars, can read car reviews on our blog section, and see the car comparison; these will help you in deciding the vehicle you want. When it's time to get rid of your car, you can post FREE Ad and sell car easily through PakWheels.

Moving onwards, you can also finance your car and view the banks for new car financing. Additionally, you can also find the vehicle through Cars By Make, Cars By City, Cars by Category, Cars by Body Type, Cars by Color, and Cars by Province sections. If you are interested, we have another feature, namely Featured New Cars, where you can view popular, upcoming, and newly launched cars. You can also buy Car Parts online in Pakistan through

Lastly, you can also explore PakWheels’ Cool Rides, Forums, and Auto Show sections.


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