
ہونڈا سوک EXi آٹومیٹک گاڑیوں پر تبصرے

ہونڈا سوک EXi آٹومیٹک
مجموعی ریٹنگ

1 تبصرے | تبصرہ لکھیں
  • سٹائل 4 rating
  • کمفرٹ 5 rating
  • فیول کی بچت 3 rating
  • کارکردگی 4 rating
  • Value for Money 5 rating

ہونڈا سوک EXi آٹومیٹک گاڑیوں پر تبصرے تازہ ترین

ویرینٹ منتخب کریں: ترتیب برائے:
نمائش 1 Review
ہونڈا سوک EXi آٹومیٹک کا تبصرہ

Cheap luxury

2000 ہونڈا سوک EXi آٹومیٹک

Haseeb نے Jul 14, 2016 کو شایع کیا

I have owned this car for last 3 years now and bought it as a cheap stop gap. However it has worked so well that I plan to keep for another 2 years. Being an old model, expect considerable issues in Engine (especially if on CNG), door hinges and interior (if not well maintained by previous owner). All parts are relatively cheap and available.

the only downside is that you must never put it in rough terrain. While shocks and suspension is really good on road, it can readily be damaged if harshly driven. The ride is reall smooth and comparable to 8th Generation.

Fuel economy is so so. Car is giving my 9kmpl in CIty with AC and around 11 on highway with AC. Automatic gear box gives an observable jerk when shifting. At speed over 100, car is supersonic and you cant hear any engine sound at all. Special care shall be taken of the Engine which is the most fragile part.
  • سٹائل 4 rating
  • کمفرٹ 5 rating
  • فیول کی بچت 3 rating
  • کارکردگی 4 rating
  • Value for Money 5 rating

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