
سوزوکی ویگن آر VX گاڑیوں پر تبصرے

سوزوکی ویگن آر VX
مجموعی ریٹنگ

5 تبصرے | تبصرہ لکھیں
  • سٹائل 1 rating
  • کمفرٹ 1 rating
  • فیول کی بچت 2 rating
  • کارکردگی 2 rating
  • Value for Money 1 rating

سوزوکی ویگن آر VX گاڑیوں پر تبصرے تازہ ترین

ویرینٹ منتخب کریں: ترتیب برائے:
تمام 5 سواریاں دکھائی جارہی ہیں
سوزوکی  ویگن آر VX کا تبصرہ


2017 سوزوکی ویگن آر VX

Anonymous نے Jul 08, 2017 کو شایع کیا

suzuki wagon r should be automatic. the traffic sittuation in cities is very bad so suzuki must thought about automatic transmissions. i am not satisfied . as you compare it with japneess wagon r its more comfortable and automatic with outer good shape.
  • سٹائل 2 rating
  • کمفرٹ 2 rating
  • فیول کی بچت 3 rating
  • کارکردگی 3 rating
  • Value for Money 2 rating
سوزوکی  ویگن آر VX کا تبصرہ

very bad

2015 سوزوکی ویگن آر VX

Akhan نے Jun 14, 2015 کو شایع کیا

واقفیت: I did not own this car, but have driven this car.
Extremely a mistake in 9 lacsshort so much money your r nut getting even air conditioner .. not even powered .. It's better to buy imported Japanese cars rather than this shit.
Atleast they have all the basic features such as power windows mirror automatic gear ac abs brakes air bags
  • سٹائل 1 rating
  • کمفرٹ 1 rating
  • فیول کی بچت 1 rating
  • کارکردگی 1 rating
  • Value for Money 1 rating
سوزوکی  ویگن آر VX کا تبصرہ

only option left

2014 سوزوکی ویگن آر VX

yasir نے Jul 29, 2014 کو شایع کیا

واقفیت: I did not own this car, but have driven this car.
Is good and nice much batter then little japnies cars like move mira and etc
Interior (Features, Space & Comfort):
Very nice if you campare with mehran and cultas and others
Fuel Economy:
Not sure
Ride Quality & Handling:
Handling is good and visions of road while driving is good
Final Words:
I think if we buy used reconditioned cars like mira move honda life essa and many more compare the price are same as brand new wagon r and suzuki motor's giving total warranty of wagon r and also in feature parts are thw bif problem of japnies car so if you have 0 meter option only wagon r is the one we have in pakistan
  • سٹائل 2 rating
  • کمفرٹ 2 rating
  • فیول کی بچت 3 rating
  • کارکردگی 4 rating
  • Value for Money 1 rating
سوزوکی  ویگن آر VX کا تبصرہ

suzuki waron r

2014 سوزوکی ویگن آر VX

r4thor3 نے Jun 03, 2014 کو شایع کیا

Ya to suzuki company waly pagal hai hain ya to pakistani awam.. you buy a car worth PKR 946,190 and no power power windows and most imp no a/c...and why wolud u need a cd player in a car for which u paid PKR 946,190 if u an pay this amount u can buy a cd palyer in PKR 5,000..but still wagon r vx version in the most sold till now in pakistan....salam hai PAKISTANI awam ko
  • سٹائل 1 rating
  • کمفرٹ 1 rating
  • فیول کی بچت 1 rating
  • کارکردگی 1 rating
  • Value for Money 1 rating
سوزوکی  ویگن آر VX کا تبصرہ

First impression

2014 سوزوکی ویگن آر VX

Asad نے Apr 21, 2014 کو شایع کیا

واقفیت: I did not own this car, but have driven this car.
Look at its price and the options it is giving. VX.... crosses on everything. drive a new tin box over an engine in a hot and dusty country.
Zero Value for money. Soon it will be flopped. No resale value. It is in competition with imported cars and soon it will closed for selling.
  • سٹائل 1 rating
  • کمفرٹ 1 rating
  • فیول کی بچت 1 rating
  • کارکردگی 1 rating
  • Value for Money 1 rating

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