
Toyota Corolla Asuki Advanced Rear Brake Pad - A-554 AD

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ASUKI new formula (ASUKI Advanced ® CERAMIC Technology) disc brake pads utilize top-quality formulations for your car to pedal feel from the very first stop, with less noise, dust and fade, along with increased stopping power.

You can confidently enjoy your ride as you will be sure that these pads are a perfect match to the Original equipment manufacturer (OEM).

The Reduced noise, vibration, and harshness will make your ride very smooth and the facilitation of temperature stability provided by ASUKI Advanced ceramic technology disc brake pads will make you confident whenever and wherever you drive.

Asuki Advanced provides all professional necessary accessories, including installation anti-noise shims, and moly grease, together with fitting instructions with each sets for a safe and easy brake pad change.

Compatible with:
Coralla 2D, Corolla Xli 2002-2007

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