
Super Asia SA 70 vs. Ghani Gi 70 Self Start


Super Asia SA 70

White base ps %281%29 recovered recovered recovered

Ghani Gi 70 Self Start

Used Super Asia Sa 70 For Sale

Used Ghani Gi 70 Self Start For Sale

Compare Specifications

Engine Type 4- Stroke, Air Cooled, Single Cylinder 4-Stroke Air Cooled OHC
Displacement 70 cc 72 cc
Horse Power 7.0 7.0
Torque 5.39 7.0
Bore & Stroke 47 - 41.4 47.0 - 41.4
Compression Ratio 8.8:1 9.1:1
Clutch Wet High Pressure Multi-plate Wet Clutch
Transmission 4 speed 4 speed

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