
Toyota Corolla - 2014 (BlueMotion)

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What's Cool About My Ride

Toyota Altis Grande 1.8 Triptronic has proven itself to be a reliable and dominant car in its category, sharing the legacy of being one of the most sold car in history. This particular car was my graduation present form my dad and I cherish it till to date. I tweaked around with it after I lost in a drag with a civic 15'. Ive uniquely modified the exhaust in a way that there in minimal back pressure and sound yet there is noticeable difference in acceleration. Also the ecu is piggy-backed with UNICHIP Q system. The car is fully body kitted with 18" Vossen Rims and Projector Head Lamps with GlowRings. Performance-wise I've managed to clock 0-100 km/hr in 9 s flat (original 10.1 s) and have attained a top speed of 223 km/hr (Original 218 km/hr).

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Ride Owner

Haris Ali
Haris Ali

Member Since 27 Aug, 2015



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