
Suzuki Ravi Fuel Average in Pakistan

The Suzuki Ravi has a fuel average of 12 KM/L in the city and 15 KM/L on the highway. With a tank capacity of 36 L, it delivers an estimated driving range of 432.0 KM in the city and 540.0 KM on the Highway. Fuel efficiency may vary based on variant, transmission, fuel type (petrol, CNG, diesel), and driving style.
For current fuel prices on petrol, CNG, and diesel, check our updated petrol pricing page.

Ravi Fuel Average by Variants

Ravi Variants Average Mileage City Mileage Highway Mileage

Suzuki Ravi Euro II

796 cc, Manual, Petrol
13.5 KM/L 12.0 KM/L 15.0 KM/L

Suzuki Ravi Fuel Cost Calculator


Your monthly fuel cost for Suzuki Ravi is:

PKR / Month

* Fuel cost is calculated based on city mileage considering 25 days of travel in a month.

Mileage Reviews of Suzuki Ravi

3.0 (6 Reviews)

The overall rating of Suzuki Ravi is 3.0/5.0 based on:

  • Style 2 rating
  • Comfort 2 rating
  • Fuel Economy 3 rating
  • Performance 3 rating
  • Value for Money 3 rating

Suzuki ravi 2012

No Features and expensive

Suzuki Ravi Euro II
Hussain Sep 13, 2024

1. Outdated Design: The Ravi's design is old and boxy, lacking modern features and aerodynamics. 2. Underpowered Engine: The 796cc engine can feel sluggish, especially when loaded or driving uphil...

Default display image car


Lucifer Sep 30, 2012

The car is very good in local but pickup is very bad normally and with A/C road pr laet jaati hai aur A/C bund kro phir sai chalti hai The price is very high and car is very bad but fuel economy ...

FAQs about Suzuki Ravi Mileage

The Suzuki Ravi fuel average is 12 KM/L
The Suzuki Ravi has a fuel tank capacity of 36 Liters
With the current fuel price of PKR 257.13 per liter, and an average of 20 kilometers daily driving for 25 days in a month, the monthly Suzuki Ravi fuel cost is PKR 10713.75 / Month.

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