
Nissan Patrol - 1994 (Night ride)

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What's Cool About My Ride

It is low roof Nissan Patrol GQ series. Chassis of 1982 and body of 1994, auctioned & registered in 1994. The engine got changed and the new engine number is on the book. This new engine has recently completed 100,000 km. The jeep is in a very good shape & properly maintained. It has leather seats, non dual AC. All four wheels have disk brakes. Its pictures are taken yesterday. The price is fixed; I am not going to bargain at all. If you like the jeep and this price is acceptable to you, you may call and fix a time to inspect. Return file is with me. , It is a pretty powerful vehicle which is highly reliable on the long route. Currently its fuel average is 8 - 9 km with AC in the city. Its chassis & suspension are rust free. Tires are Dunlop SP RV Major, which can safely be used for another 75,000 km. I am finding the steering a bit hard which is because of the steering pump. I will get it checked & fixed soon. I have recently got the brakes serviced and brake pads replaced.,

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Ride Owner

Syed Gouhr Ali
Syed Gouhr Ali

Member Since 22 Nov, 2009



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