
Icon Plus Injector Cleaner - 200ml

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Icon Plus Injector Cleaner - 200ml

  • Cleans clogged injectors
  • Cleans the entire fuel delivery system
  • Improves engine efficiency and performance
  • Extends engine life

It can clean gunk, varnish, and dirt from choke valves and carb. Removes deposits quite seamlessly to increase engine performance and fuel economy. Reduces high exhaust discharge, hard starting, and stalling.


Shake well before use.

Carburetor: Remove the air filter, start the engine, spray at a distance of 15-30cm in all parts of the carburetor, then leave the engine with an increased number of revolutions to run for about 2-3 minutes.

Fuel system, Injectors: Spray into fuel tank about 15 seconds before refilling tank.

If you want to buy an engine degreaser:
click on this link

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