The Beautiful Pakistani Truck Art And Its Downside

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Pakistan’s transport industry happens to have a unique and world famous artistic sense towards the self-created art genre known as the Truck Art throughout the world. The truck art is not only famous for its vibrant colours but also has heavy ornaments and decoration material used in it that at a certain point becomes rather an extra load on the truck than being an addition to its beauty. This additional weight does not only makes the truck to overload but also causes a lot of extra stress on the engine and higher fuel consumption that could be avoided. Below in this article are mentioned some of the factors that may provide a typical Pakistani truck with better mileage and less fuel consumption.

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First up the drivers should focus on having the least decoration material as possible. This can be done through avoiding heavy materials in order to make the duration materials. Using hard core iron that weighs a lot can end up making a truck heavy enough without even any goods load on it to consume. The heave chains, bells and other materials at the front end and the sides of the trucks certainly puts some extra weight on the truck that eventually engine has to carry. This leads to extra fuel consumption as engine certainly has to make some extra stress to carry all the weight.Pakistan truck

Secondly the forehead of the truck that I usually refer to as Johnny Bravo hair of the truck, although certainly adds a great look to the truck with all its appealing colours but on the other side, anyone who is familiar with the little bit of science behind aerodynamics can tell that this shape is the worst scenario for a moving vehicle to cut through the air. The wider and front protruding forehead of a truck acts like a flat brick wall and causes more stress to the engine when doing at relatively higher speeds. Where the whole world is shifting towards more sleek and aerodynamics designs for heavy vehicles, we also need to review our truck art designs to make it look as appealing as they are right now but more economical, practical, and certainly aerodynamic.


All the fame, glamour and emotions of Pakistanis associated with the truck art are genuine and worth having as this one art genre has become an ambassador of Pakistan’s softer image to the whole world. But seeing the economics and physics of the truck art makes one to review the practices and make them more practical.

Pakistan Truck Art (2)

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1 Comment
  1. Sleepless says

    Lots of spelling and grammatical mistakes by the author. Please spell check all articles before publishing.

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