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Petrol Price

Petrol Price Jacked Up by Rs. 9.66

The Ministry of Finance has issued a notification regarding the new prices of petroleum products, bringing both good and bad news for consumers. According to the notification, the petrol price in Pakistan has…

Petrol Price Falls By Rs. 14

Once again, the Pakistani populace finds itself on the brink of a fortnightly revision in petrol price. The familiar speculation of a welcomed decrease in fuel prices looms, offering a potential respite for the…

Petrol Price Falls By Rs. 40

In a welcome move for the masses, the Pakistani government has announced a substantial reduction in petrol price. The latest news revealed that petrol will now cost Rs. 283.38/liter after a Rs. 40/liter …

Petroleum Product Demand Surges by 4%

In August 2023, Pakistan experienced a significant upswing in the demand for petroleum products, witnessing a 4% increase, which brought the total to 1.41 million tonnes. This surge in demand can be attributed…