What else do you know about Rolls-Royce?

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Let’s talk about wonderful realities around Ghosts and Phantoms by Rolls Royce.

Once Nostradamus said, “From Albion’s shore shall come a marvelous conveyance, a carriage silincieux bearing the arms of Rolles De Roi.”

Today more than 6 out of 10 Roll-Royce cars ever manufactured are still fit for roads. At RR factories the Rolls-Royce cars are called by name Royces. Rolls-Royce radiators are handmade and it takes one man/day to make a RR radiator, and approximately 5 hours are spent on polishing it. Rolls Royce Phantom VI body making takes more than 800 man-hours to finish. RR factory used to make rifles during the 1st World War and never made a complete car until after 2nd World War. Before that time, bodies were added by outside coach builders and RR just made chassis. For smokers, let me tell you that when you use ashtray in a Rolls-Royce, it empties automatically. All Rolls Royce engines are completely handmade, even in this modern mechanical era. The air conditioning system of Rolls Royce has a cooling capacity equal to 30 refrigerators. There are 27 electric motors in each silver spirit of Rolls-Royce. Each piece of glass in silver spirit is finely polished with powdered pumice.

The designer of RR interlinked badge and radiator grille is unknown till today. RR 1904 10hp owned by Thomas Love Junior of Scotland is the oldest known Rolls-Royce car on earth.

RR-1904-10hp - Oldest Rolls-Royce
Oldest Rolls-Royce

This world is a place with unequal distribution of wealth, so most of the people keep on crying for not having enough money to meet their daily expenses, contrary to that there are exiguous wealthy people buying luxuries at any cost. Luxurious life is always full of sensual experiences. A diamond necklace can fascinate our eyes, expensive perfumes can trigger our sense of smell, sound of a great music can please our ears, delicious food gives yummy taste, and a soft silky touch can turn us romantic. When all these 5 senses are awakened, here comes the sixth sense.

You can experience elusive sixth sense in a Rolls-Royce, and there are rare things in this world which can stimulate all of other five senses at once.

Rolls-Royce Design

The Ghost 6 Senses model is designed to offer a novel level of sensual lenience to its owner. So when we talk about Rolls-Royce design, it is beyond its stunning looks. The astonishing uniqueness in Rolls-Royce design is its perfect proportions of 2:1 ratio. You can better understand this in these images:

Rolls-Royce Design Proportions 2:1
Rolls-Royce Design Proportions 2:1

So, how do you feel? after looking at the refined aspects of Rolls-Royce design and you’ll find this aspect in all Royces ever made. The height of the wheel is exactly same as the height above to the roof line of RR. Moreover the Royces are famous for their handmade grille, interlinked RR logo and memorable essence of Frenzy.

Rolls-Royce Grille
Rolls-Royce Grille
Rolls-Royce LOGO
Rolls-Royce LOGO

Few lines about Charls Rolls & Henry Royce

Charles Rolls
Charles Rolls

Charles Rolls was a mechanical engineering graduate from Cambridge. He was a car racing lover, and the 1st undergraduate to own a car. He started a dealership for selling extraneous vehicles to support his passion for cars. Then he met Henry Royce, when he was in search of a reliable supplier of English cars. Charles Rolls was the 1st aviator who completed a double-crossing of the English Channel, and in 1910 his aircraft crashed during an air show.



Henry Royce
Henry Royce

Rolls-Royce legend Henry Royce’s 1st job was to work as a newspaper delivery boy for Smith & Sons limited. He was known as ‘R’ at the Rolls-Royce factory and even today people at Rolls Royce factory call each other by their initials and it’s a practice written in RR memorandums. Henry Royce believed that Black was aesthetically appropriate for RR badge when it was changed from Red. People have wrong beliefs that the RR badge was changed from Red to Black to commemorate Henry Royce’s death. Henry Royce never travelled in an aircraft, though he designed some of the great aero engines in the history of mankind. The only regret of Henry Royce at the time of his death was that he could not work harder.

Let me repeat the title “What else do you know about Rolls-Royce? I would love to know your knowledge about Rolls-Royce. Please feel free to add your feedback in comments below

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  1. Irfan Jamil says

    Great PersonS………

  2. Abdullah Muhammad Mehmood says

    good information about rr.

  3. Azan Abrar says

    Great information about Henry Royce… His regret on his deathbed shows his greatness…

  4. Muhammad Tahir Iqbal says

    Thanks for the feedback 🙂

  5. Ahmed Hembel says

    phantom has twin sleek double painted lines on both its sides, extending from front to rear, these lines are marked by a man who uses a special paintbrush to do so. the company has only one man who can do this. what will they do when he dies?

  6. Shah Turab says

    well written

  7. Zulfiqar Ali says

    Great information you provided, great work!

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