Horrific 40RR0R is a mash up of the least realiable cars

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Car reliability is a strong driver of sales, the vehicles success, resale, everything is associated with it and if the image of your car being an unreliable piece of crap gets known, it’s resale value will drop and eventually, no one would be interested in buying your car. Its only been the last couple of years when Pakistanis have shifted their preferences when buying a car for resale, to other more important things. Resale came as one of the least important thing when buying a car in PakWheels survey.

But, some believe that car reliability is a myth. It all depends upon on how and where you drive the vehicle but what if your new cars breaks down instantly? We’ve heard a lot of times at PakWheels forums that a new Suzuki they bought didn’t had it screws bolted in tightly, or a new Corolla broke its suspension while exiting the ramp.

But a UK’s website, Warranty Direct’s  ‘Reliability Index’ named all the worst reliable cars and then what did they do? They mashed up all of them to create a single, least reliable vehicle. They called it the ‘Horror’ car.

The cars they chose to create the Horror are as follows:


Now you may say that the BMW M5 is a great car but the Warranty Direct said that people who bought the E60 M5 needed repairs to the engine, then the Jeep Cherokee, Chrysler 300C, Audi RS6, all were terrible cars from a repair perspective.

So which Pakistani cars do you think can create the perfect Horror Car?

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  1. Adeel says

    i think the question should be:
    “which Pakistani cars do you think can NOT create the perfect Horror Car”

  2. Nabeel Shk says

    In Pakistan Toyota, Suzuki and Honda are all horrors however the list of problems with PKDM cars cannot fit on one page or a journal or perhaps a Book. From Single Screw to The Tyre Tire tread every thing is a problem in PKDM cars. Problems of car in first world are a walk in Park for us we can consider them as the price of driving a good car.

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