The Amount Of Luck In This Video Is Too Damn High

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I am sure many of us have seen those Russian dash cam videos full of devastating crashes caught on camera. After watching these videos one can easily understand that most of the times it’s the fault of that driver behind the wheel who makes unsafe maneuver resulting in a crash. Sadly, even after watching so many videos people still want to do something nasty on the road and find themselves in caught up in unfortunate events.

Tailgating is a very unsafe behavior which many motorists are involved in doing on a daily basis. Whether consciously or unconscionably, at some point in time, we all had been involved in this behavior. Tailgating, swerving through lanes, overtaking from wrong sides are things we see everyday on our roads.

Some times, if you see these “Epic Save” videos online or see someone doing these acts on the roads, you will realize how lucky and fortunate some of these drivers are. People say odds of being struck by lighting in your lifetime is one in 12000, and odds of being eaten by a shark is one in 3.7 million. I am sure after watching the video below you will jump off from your seat and definitely think of adding another odd to the list.

The driver of this Honda Fit overtakes from left, then tailgates a truck before switching the lane to overtake without checking in the oncoming traffic. The driver was fortunate enough to remain safe not once, thrice.


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  1. Alpha Bravo says

    too lucky he was

  2. saad says

    He’s not just lucky. He’s an idiot who got lucky. Could have killed with him too. These people shouldn’t be on the road.

  3. Khurram says

    People like these become the source of destruction for themselves as well as for others they should get convicted on the spot.

  4. Mr. Max Kalada says

    he should have been given a sound thrashing on the spot.

  5. southcarolinian says

    Had this Fit (Jazz) be even one centimeter longer it would either crash into the truck (rear) or into that last vehicle (front). Good job Honda designing the Fit !

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