BBC To Make A TV Show Based On Grand Theft Auto Video Game

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Who hasn’t heard of the Grand Theft Auto (GTA) video game franchise? Chances are, if you are an avid automotive fan and a follower of Crime genre of novels and movies then you must have wasted a lot of years of your youth on that game instead of preparing for your exams. But we all have been like that and some of us still are.

No doubt, the game is a major hit amongst its player and a commercial success for its developers, and to honor that, BBC has revealed through a Press Release that its working on a TV show on the Grand Theft Auto franchise. But to our dismay, the TV show will not be like AMC’s popular TV series Breaking Bad rather it would be a show on how the developers came about developing this epic video game. The show will feature the story of the developers and the making of the game.

The show is a part of BBC’s new initiative termed as “Make It Digital” – a campaign aimed at encouraging young British nationals to pursuit technology related fields. There is no news on when the show would actually air on the television for now. We will update you as soon as we hear the news.

via Autoblog 

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