M-Zero Is Going To Be India’s First Hybrid Supercar

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For any nation, manufacturing you own car is one of the great reason of joy and pride. Countries do get manufacturing plants of different car makers from across the globe, like Pakistan has Toyota Indus, Gandhara Motors, Honda Atlas etc., but the bragging rights you would get if Pakistan starts to make its own home-grown vehicle, would be through the roof. And then after making a ‘homely’ family car, think how you would feel if someone tells you that we are working on our sports car. Well, us Pakistanis unfortunately do not know how that feels, at least for now. But our Indian friends definitely know the feeling.

An automotive start-up, Mean Metal Motors, is now a days working on India’s first super car, named ‘M-Zero’. 4 teams from Portugal, Italy, UK and India are trying to work their way through it. Italy and Portugal are taking car of M-Zero’s styling and body, team from UK is working on simulation and analysis. The Indian team will be sorting out its power-plant (engine+transmission), vehicle dynamics and aerodynamics, electronics and energy storage systems.

Carbon fibre monocoque chassis of M-Zero is either going to house a 4 liter AMG twin turbo V8 or a 4.8 liter naturally aspirated V10. Founder and director of the project, Sarthak Paul said that the process of procurement has yet to start.

The car is going to be a parallel mid-engined hybrid supercar; meaning it will have an electric motor as well as a gasoline engine. That motor alone will be capable of pushing out 250 horsepower. Estimated combined horsepower rating of both electric and gasoline motor is somewhere around 750 bhp. And torque figures of 900 Nm are equally staggering.




Source: NDTV

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1 Comment
  1. InamKanjoo says

    Keep dragging your buttocks in those ild Suzuki Mehrans or Toyota Corollas! WAKE UP PAKISTANIO!

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