List of Toyota Corolla Variants, Features & Prices in Pakistan

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Buying a car is always a special occasion. But the choice can be a little tough if you have both, options and budget. Take Toyota Corolla as an example, there are 2 variants of XLi (Basic and L.E), 2 variants of GLi (Manual and Automatic) and 5 variants of Altis. Sometimes, more options to choose from can become bothersome and unfortunately if someone is not very pro-active in researching their choices before hand, choosing a car can definitely become difficult. So, we decided to list down the features off all Corolla variants to make this choice between them easier and more comprehensible. And I hope that this compilation of data will serve as a single collection of features, where it will help readers in identifying all the different aspects of these models, which help in differentiating them from each other.

Lets first have a look at the Gli Variants of Toyota Corolla available in Pakistan:

Toyota-Corolla-GliLets now have a look at the Altis Variants of Toyota Corolla available in Pakistan:



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  1. Ammar says

    So the only difference between the Altis CVTi and Altis Grande CVTi is the paddle shifter? That is worth an extra 2 lac?

  2. Adan Ali says

    Paddle shifters
    Seat height adjustment

    If someone wants to have Sunroof, Grande remains as the only available option.

  3. Aqeel Zia Nayyer says

    climate control as well

  4. Khurram says

    Very informative.

  5. Tariq Javed says

    Grande and 1.8 CVTI have following major differences:-
    Leather seats
    Driver plus Passenger airbags
    Seat height adjuster
    Retractable side mirrors
    Front storage for sunglasses
    Paddle shifters

  6. jawed says

    altis grande should have a different shape than other corolla cars of same model.

  7. Retaliation. says

    What a terribly greedy price for a car with zero features base model…. I’m waiting for the time when they remove seat belts from their car.

  8. talha sarwar says

    Hey I.want.To bok New corolla Gli 2018 so can u tell me best dealer in Karachi and total amount of car

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