A Lamborghini made entirely out of paper

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Many many people around the world cannot afford a Lamborghini but many many people are able to because they have set ‘owning a Lamborghini’ as their ambition in life. Like me, you and many more.

Lamborghinis are mental machines, they are not built to make sense or be logical, they are machines that won’t let you get old. Keep your inner child alive.

This is exactly what springs to my mind when I first saw this paper-made Lamborghini. Made by Taras Lesko, this Police Lamborghini Aventador is entirely made out of paper.

Although there have been quite a few paper made projects built in the past, but nothing comes to this massive paper-made Aventador and the quality of the finished product, which is just fantastic.

Head to Taras’s website to read how he did it. Here.


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