Policemen Suspended For Making A Bureaucrat Follow Law

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SSP, SHO and constables were suspended because they did their duty which is to enforce law but they had to pay a very heavy price for doing their duty. They faced transfer and suspension; subsequently few news agencies told that they were forced to leave the province and to report to federal capital.

As per sources, the law enforces lost the battle to a bureaucrat who was stopped for numerous violations in the red zone. Special Secretary, Nazar Mohammed Bazdar was trying to enter the red zone which is the place where CM House, 5 Star hotel are located and is also the same place where the recent bomb blast which destroyed the building of CID in Karachi.

Souces say that Nazar Mohammed Bazdar was driving a car with tinted windows which is forbidden by law which is the first violation, second law that he broke was driving a private car with its trunk loaded with arms and then he was drunk driving which makes it the third violation of law.

He was so drunk that he behaved like an abnormal person and Police handcuffed him before putting him behind bars for the entire night.

According to a medical report the secretary was drunk while driving his car;

“Secretary got himself identified being a common man,” a suspended police official said adding, “His mouth stunk horribly with alcohol smell and he insisted to take his car, carrying weapons, through Red Zone area which is closed down for traffic after 1am.”

Of course later on, Advisor to CM, Sharmila Farooqi told that the police actually misbehaved with Special Secretary and he was detained for a night, however, an investigation has been order into the incident and that the CM is also very annoyed with the Police official for making the Special Secretary follow the law, but it’s rather strange to know that the SSP, SHO and constables were all suspended or transferred before receiving any judgment or the committee’s decision from the investigation.

Ms. Sharmila Farooqi however could not deliver any satisfactory remarks on their suspension which leds us to believe that  police officials were suspended and transferred over making a bureaucrat obey law as the Special Secretary Nazar Mohammed Bazdar was not only drunk but he was also driving a black-windowed private vehicle with arms in it, a practice banned in Karachi.

It seems as we’re the only suckers that the law has been made for, I am sad at the example that they set in for the law-abiding citizens and the rest of the Police force. And the authenticity of Wikileaks documents telling King Abdullah’s remarks about the hurdles in Pakistan’s progress has also been proven true.

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  1. Zaigham Walayat says

    This is the worst face of our so calleed politicians, they usually used to say what do not bother to act themselved. If the voices continue to be shared publically, the day will come when rule of law must have to be observed, but this only can be possible with public pressure.

  2. Chaudhary Rashid says


  3. Arsalan Saqib says

    sharmila farooqi bitch.

  4. Arsalan Saqib says

    these guys they are the main currupt culprates andd they should be haanged to death.

  5. Arsalan Saqib says

    jamhoriat :p

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