Punjab Metro Bus Timings Changed

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The Punjab interim Chief Minister, Mohsin Naqvi, has recently made an important decision that will provide much-needed assistance and ease to the labor sector. The starting time of the metro bus service in Punjab has been moved up to 6:00 a.m. from the original start time of 6:30 a.m. The interim Chief Minister made this change to aid thousands of laborers who utilize the service to commute to work on time. CM Naqvi has stated that this decision was made to provide support to the laborers who rely on this service daily or on a regular basis.

CM Naqvi presided over a meeting in his office on Friday to make sure that this decision regarding the timings of the Punjab metro bus is implemented successfully. Various officials, including the Chief Secretary, the Chairman of Planning and Development, the Secretary of Finance, the Secretary of Transport, and other officials attended the meeting. This meeting also provided an opportunity to review the progress of the Punjab Mass-Transit Authority (PMA) and address any necessary improvements.

This decision is a positive move in the right direction for the labor sector, and it highlights the government’s commitment to supporting its citizens. The metro bus service is a crucial mode of transportation for thousands of laborers due to its low charges. Hopefully, this change will make a significant impact on the daily lives of the laborers. It is encouraging to see the government taking steps to ensure that its citizens can access essential services and commute to work with ease. 

What are your thoughts on this decision regarding the Punjab metro bus? Share with us in the comment section below!

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