Tahir Ul Qadri’s death proof chamber detailed

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Tahir Ul Qadri’s long march has sent shiver down the spine of every politician in the ruling government as they are unable to contain the march nor are they willing to lay down to the demands of the participants of the long march. All of this was expected, there will be resistance, there will be security threats, there will be tear gas and then there will be result.

To make sure a senior citizen like Tahir Ul Qadri goes successfully through all these hurdles, the organizers had arranged for brand new bullet proof Land Cruisers and a custom built container which is both; bomb and bullet proof.

While media has refrained to discuss the sources for the funding of such expensive convoy or new armored Land Cruisers, they have however tried to detail the container in which Tahir Ul Qadri is, during the sit-in protest in Islamabad.

As you can see in the report, TuQ’s chamber has every necessity a person or I think persons would need to survive a zombiepocalypse. While some unsolicited sources are claiming that the chamber’s construction costs were 1.5 crore, which is a lot less expensive than those Land Cruisers he’s roaming in around.

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  1. Khawateen Massager says


  2. Ahmed Saeed says

    U got the price wronge the basic new cruiser cost more than that

  3. Saad Hassan Saeed Qureshi says

    bro i was reading about a company who built bullet and bomb proof car
    they said only for bullet proof car min budget is 300 k dollars in which
    car all glasses like front rear door glasses are 3 inch thick and all car body
    doors,roof,rims all metal is 7-9 inch thick
    plus the tires have rubbers inside. attached to rims in case tire is punchured
    TUQ is doing right.it doesnt matter what is his source of income.i believe at least he is pure the zardari

  4. Kh Qaiser Rauf says

    Dear Saad Alex Do u know how from which country tahir ul qadri container was built and at what price with comple specificatio

  5. Mohammad Asad says

    not complete

  6. Scissor Web says

    Oh No… I have heard from some people that people were there on that rally was woundering about food & they were again and again signing into http://www.hotinarea.com & searching for food. But there was no islamabad resturants…:-)….so sorry…

  7. Farid Khan says

    I know his source of income ..it is his followers who sent the money throughout the world .I know one of my friend who sold out his motor bic hoping a change. I believe no one other than his followers supported him.

  8. Afsheen Shouket says

    Ha ha ha- and the propaganda continues. If you placed more emphasis explains about the corrupt electoral system as highlighted and challenged by Dr Tahir Ul Qadri, our country would not be in the conditioned it is. Wake up and do us on important issues!

  9. M Khalid Khan says

    The efforts he is doing that are worthy to admire and notice but you people get stuck in negative propagation, at least he did not get this container from corruption money.

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