6th Anniversary Dinner Of 4×4 Engaged Celebrated

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In 2009, a group of hard core PakWheels loyalists 4×4 vehicle owners established a 4×4 club that is known today as 4×4 Engaged,  inviting all PakWheelers who own 4×4 vehicles to join for off-road trips out of the hustle-bustle of the cities. The club has since then managed to gather around 22 members and is headed by Saqib Janjua, who is the club’s president. The club members are like a family and have frequent meet up sessions where they discuss automobiles and go for rides together.

This Monday, they had their 6th anniversary where they invited Suneel Munj, Chairman PakWheels and awarded shields to the members. The club is open to all outsiders who wish to be a part of a community where others like them own such 4×4 vehicles.

You can read more about the event on the original forum post of the event.

Here are few photos from the event for you to enjoy:




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1 Comment
  1. Guest says

    The headline says it is 6th anniversary.
    The first paragraph mentions it all started in 2009.
    The second paragraph mentions it is the 9th anniversary.

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