Car imports fell by 51 percent in the fiscal year 2013-14

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Imported cars are showing up on Pakistani roads in better numbers, leading us to almost believe that Pakistanis have forfeited the resale culture and now seek value for their hard earned money. But statistics reveal otherwise. In the fiscal year of 2013-14, import of cars have fallen immensely by 51% when compared to last year’s figures.

The figures reflect that FY2013 was the worst year for car imports as only 22,220 units were imported compared to 45,378 units which were imported in FY2013 while the best year was 2012 when a total of 55,000 units were imported which threatened the local auto industry but in the following years of decline in car imports, they couldn’t gain advantage of it, as only 1 percent increase was seen in local auto sales of FY2014 compared to FY2013.

They couldn’t take advantage because of lack of small cars or vehicles available below the one million rupees mark and though the new Corolla is on the horizon, there still isn’t any chance of Pakistan populating the model range of 0.3 million rupees to 1 million.

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  1. Waqar Ali Shah says

    Main reason for decline is age limit of cars for import.

  2. Abubakar Shaikh says

    (The figures reflect that FY2013 was the worst year for car imports as only 22,220 units were imported compared to 45,378 units which were imported in FY2013) Go home u r Drunk ,

  3. Abdul Akbar says

    duty is increased, age limit is decreased , prices gone up for example vitz which was 8-10 lacs now in new shape is around 15 lacs thats a big jump not affordable.

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