Dog chew away Aston Martin DB9

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Even now and then we often hear about exotic super cars being crashed, caught fire or flooded. But this time something different to share from Britain. A 4 year old dog named Luce chewed away the fender of  his owner’s £80,000 Aston Martin DB9.

Royston Grimstead discovered white stuff around dog’s mouth when he returned home. He Initially thought  it was bird feathers, but actually Luce chewed away edges of the his DB9 fender arch. The damage will cost above £3000. According to the owner of  “Luce” ; she was not going along very well with other pets in his house and this event nailed his decision to give away the dog to his friends.

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  1. Zeeshan Ahmed Shah says

    good job,beautiful dog

  2. Karim Khan says

    Lol hahahaha n shit!

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