Get Paid to Wrap Your Car by WrapKar

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In today’s age of modernized living style, standing out from the crowd has become the necessity. Wrapkar is an outdoor advertising start-up that specializes in mass promotion of brands by wrapping removable advertisements on vehicles. The company aspires the businesses and consumers’ together in a much more casual way, which defies the normal bill-board signs.

While Speaking with PakWheels, the company’s co-founder, Omama Ansari shared his thoughts on the company’s different approach to the outdoor marketing

When it comes to outdoor advertising, there is not much happening in terms of innovation. Billboards have become expensive and ineffective. We want to change how outdoor advertising works in Pakistan, we want to make it more personal and engaging so people can relate with the brands they use

The company engages different population zones with a specific geographic location where their client requires exposure. Moreover, the drivers can register with Wrapkar. They are everyday car owners who can earn extra-cash each month for driving with an advertisement on their car. In essence, riding around with a brand, they support its cause and as a bonus have their commute to pay for itself.

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1 Comment
  1. Good boy says

    where is the office? website? smart phone app? of wrap car ??? Found nothing about them on internet

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