Jenson Interceptor to be made again, thanks to Top Gear

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British engineering and Italian designed Jenson Interceptor is about to be reproduced with a completely new striking design.

In the last series of Top Gear, the three blokes went on to do a nostalgic video as a tribute to the beautiful Jenson Interceptor and that brought back its long lost fame and also brought a capital infusion to the Jensen International Automotive (JIA), a small company in the UK that brings classic Jensen Interceptor vehicles back to life, has received a capital infusion from Charles Dunstone, the founder of Carpone Warehouse.

Now, the company has come forth with new details of the 2012 Interceptor, plus a couple of really cool sketches of the car, which combines evocative shapes from the company’s past with modern lines.

The styling of the 2012 Jensen Interceptor is done by a team of Coventry-based design specialists. The end result is a car with four seats and two doors, much like the Ferrari FF. However, the new design is like nothing that’s currently on the market, especially its striking back end which is as close to the original Interceptors of the 60s as it can be.

“I started my career by restoring bodies and components for classic British sports cars, so for CPP to take the lead role in reviving this iconic brand is very exciting for the business, and for me personally. The Jensen design team has respected and honored the great heritage and attributes of the original Interceptor, while injecting a contemporary edge and advanced technologies that will ensure it appeals to the passionate, discerning motoring enthusiast of today. This work is at an advanced stage, and married to CPP’s expert coach-building, craftsmanship and engineering skills, the new Interceptor will be an exceptional example of British automotive excellence,” explained Brendan O’Toole, founder and co-owner of CPP.

“CPP is the perfect partner to revive the iconic Jensen Interceptor.  With the Jensen design team integrated into an organization with much greater resources and broader expertise, our dream of seeing the Jensen and Interceptor badges once again adorning the bonnets of beautiful, modern, British-built GT cars has come closer to reality,” added Liam Cardiff, director of Healey Sports Cars Switzerland.

The car will likely be revealed in concept form late next year, with customer deliveries scheduled for 2014. This can very well be the resurrection of the classic British sports car thanks to Top Gear.

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