Rounding up all the April fool’s jokes by automotive companies

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Each year on April 1st, in developed countries, mostly western, to give something fun and get a lot of social media activity, all the companies churn out their idea of April fools. Automotive companies aren’t far behind in on this.

We’ve rounded up the best April fools’ jokes by the automotive companies for you.

Honda lets give hair cuts as you drive:

We’ll begin with Honda’s attempt on April Fools’ joke. Since Honda have the recently revealed the new soccer-mom van, the Odyssey, so Honda released a machine through which you could provide hair-cutting as you travel.

Called the HondaHair, it is just like the mobile Flowbee (the hair-cutting vacuum tool from the ’80s), the HondaHair attachment allows parents to give thier kids a quick haircut or tighten up a scraggly beard.

Mini’s dating app:

Mini is not a mini anymore, in fact it is quite massive now however, if you’re having a hard time in getting dates in your mini, then Mini has it all figured out. They have introduced a dating app called ‘Connect Us’, which can play more of an active role in getting couples together. The in-car app allows the car to act as a matchmaker to connect couples and even locate nearby bars and restaurants.


BMW Postnatal Royal Auto Mobile (PRAM):

While many are of the view, that doesn’t matter if its a April fool’s joke or not, this baby-ride will sell nonetheless. Looking to cash in on some of the attention surrounding this summer’s arrival of the first child of the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, BMW has come up with the Postnatal Royal Auto Mobile (PRAM). The PRAM is a self-propelled stroller with air conditioning, a “paparazzi-proof hood” and the choice of two- or four-wheel drive.

Its also an M model if your baby would want to go sideways.


Volvo’s external vehicle protection system is straight from the sci-fi movies:

As seen in the movie ‘Demolition Man’, this is the closest we’ve seen an automotive company come towards realizing that concept and the tragedy is, they realized and revealed the system on April 1st.

The systems bursts a bubble/balloon open which surrounds the whole in case of an impending collision.


VolksVagen announces a retro-supercar:

Why have we called it retro? Its because the announced 2015 Volkswagen LeVanto TDI Hybrid is actually identical to Volkswagen’s W12 Nardo concepts from more than a decade ago, the LeVanto replaces the W12 engine with a diesel hybrid drivetrain.


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