Sindh Transport and CNG stations to go on indefinite strike from Jan 5

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The situation of CNG in all of the country can be better explained by just looking at the queues at the CNG stations. People are desperate and have been the biggest losers in this policy to control the natural gas consumption. In the past week, only three days in a week the CNG was available, the rest, it will remained closed so gas can be provided to households to keep warm during this cold winter and the industries to keep running.

Motorists around the country have looked at the queues to see how predicament the situation has become, those of us, who luckily can afford petrol have converted to it whereas the rikshaws have been seen charging exorbitant fares during the CNG holidays.

As a result, in Sindh, CNG Stations association and Transporters are in mutual agreement of going on to an indefinite strike from Jan 5 while ‘offering the government enough time to reconsider its policy of gas load-management’.

“We have been facing five-day gas suspension,” said Irshad Bukhari of the Karachi Transport Ittehad and have asked Sindh Transport Minister to take up the matter with CM Sindh because the transport minister doesn’t have the authority to resolve this matter.

Diesel should be made more affordable as established automakers have used diesel as a platform to create one of the world’s most economical cars. VW Bluemotion for example and Audi even uses diesel in its Le Mans endurance race cars because diesel’s advantage of mileage over petrol.

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