There will never be an electric Ferrari because Ferrari boss doesn’t believe in electric cars

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Some might recognize a Lamborghini but everyone will recognize a Ferrari infact, anything that looks expensive and has two doors is inadvertently a Ferrari for them, even if it is a Lotus. So Ferrari has to do things in order to keep itself as the most recognizable and powerful supercar maker, like it will never make a 4-door sedan or, an SUV.

But the race towards cleaner and greener environment is fought very hard with every automaker trying to lead the EV (Electric vehicle) market; Ferrari’s CEO has said that there won’t a electric Ferrari ever.

Ferrari CEO Luca di Montezemolo stopped from answering questions for the press, especially the ones related to what type of electric vehicle will Ferrari produce in the future.

Montezemolo surprisingly stated, “You will never see a Ferrari electric because I don’t believe in electric cars, because I don’t think they represent an important step forward for pollution or CO2 or the environment. But, we are working very, very hard on the hybrid Ferrari. This should be the future, and I hope in a couple of years you can see it.”

Even though Ferrari boss doesn’t believe in EVs but still Ferrari has to churn out a environmentally friendly car in a not-so-distant future and we’re guessing it is going to be a Porsche 918 rather the Prius but all in all, these green hippies should instead pressure countries such as ours to bring down pollution and be environmentally friendly as that’ll do more good to earth.


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