Your Electric Motorcycles Care Guide

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Electric motorcycles are getting popular, and many riders wonder, “How do I keep it in good shape?” Let’s break it down for you. Taking care of an electric bike is way easier and cheaper than a regular one. You can save thousands in the first few years on running costs alone! Here’s a simple guide on what you need to do.

1. Easy Steps for Regular Maintenance


It’s essential to keep your bike clean from dirt and debris. Use a gentle stream of water and a damp cloth. Be careful around electrical parts.


Check your bike’s manual for where to put lubricant. It helps moving parts work well and prevents them from wearing out.

2. Checking Bolts and Nuts

Inspecting Bolts

Every now and then, check if any bolts or nuts are loose. If you find any, tighten them up. If something keeps getting loose, ask an expert for help.

Tire Pressure

Regularly check your tire pressure before you ride. You can find the right pressure on the tires or in the manual. Riding with low pressure can be dangerous.

Brake Pads

Check your brake pads every month. Good brakes keep you safe on the road. If they’re not in good shape, get them replaced.

3. Taking Care of the Battery

The battery is crucial. Follow the manual on how to charge it correctly. Charging it the wrong way can make it wear out faster. Batteries are expensive, so take care of yours.
Almost all electric motorcycles come with a warranty for the battery, so keep a check on yours to see of it needs replacement.

4. Regular Servicing

Service Checks: Not as Complicated as Regular Bikes
Unlike regular bikes, electric bikes don’t need things like new filters or oil changes. But they still need regular servicing to stay in good condition. Technicians use a special cord to check if everything’s okay.
If you are looking to buy an affordable electric motorcycle, check out these options!

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