1 in 5 drivers name their cars in America, did you?

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A new research study conducted in the US brings us quite interesting results, the results are that one in every five motorists name their vehicles. We’ve known that people do name their vehicles, Richard Hammond from Top Gear named his Opel Cadet ‘Oliver’ while Sebastien Vettel also names his Red Bull Formula One car, RB5 was called ‘Kate’s Dirty Sister, RB7 was ‘Kinky Kyle’ and the 2013 Championship winning car, RB9 was named ‘Hungry Heidi’.

But the study performed by DMEautomotive says that its not men who name their car rather its the ladies who name their car. The industry research company says that although that one in five American motorists have named their car, but it is more likely that, that person is likely to be a female and is aged between 18 and 24.

It is understood that men are more attracted to their cars but the hypothesis was rejected that men would name their cars, instead it were women at 23% whereas men stood at an 18% chance of naming it while folks in late teens or early twenties are four times more likely to name their cars than someone over 55.

The top names found by the study are: ‘Baby,’ ‘Betsy,’ ‘Bessie,’ ‘Black Beauty,’ and ‘Betty’., while it is highly unlikely that these names are also the most popular in Pakistan, but we think people have named their cars here as well, so have you?


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  1. Khurram ShahzAd says

    Haven't heard of someone here naming their cars, but people here more often tend to refer their cars by Numaric portion of registration number on car's number plate.

  2. Fouad Hafeez says

    I'm guilty of such a crime. 🙂

    My FJ40 is "Phantom", a Camaro I own is "Bee", and a Mustang I have is "Sleipnir". This "humanization" of cars is common in Pakistan, too. I mean…who hasn't called their car "Shahzadi" or "Bunty" of "Billo" or "Sajni" at some point in time?

  3. Taha Farooq says

    Camaro ? Mustang ? You live in Pak right ? 😛

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