A blind and disabled rider sets up speed record on a Suzuki Hayabusa

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We should do whatever in our capacity to help disabled people, whatever we do for them shouldn’t be out of pity because time and again, they prove to be as one of the greatest inspirational people in the world.

Meet Stuart Gunn, a rider from Edinburgh, Scotland, whose performance I am sure has inspired thousands, is a disabled and a blind man but that is no limitation for him as he has just broken the current speed record for disabled people on a Suzuki Hayabusa. How awesome is that!

Around 1,500 people had gathered to witness Stuart’s attempt with the event properly timed and judged  as his performance would be sent to Guinness Book officials for consideration and induction in the records book.

Stuart posted a speed of 167.1 MPH (268.86 km/h) and became the fastest blind and disabled rider of the world.

The amazing Mr. Gunn throttled away to 167.1 mph (268.86 km/h), thus becoming the fastest blind and disabled rider of the world. Stuart, 39, was involved in a terrible road accident 11 years ago, and was left with his back broken in two places, broken ribs and a smashed shoulder, plus a paralysis in the right side of the body.


Fighting hard to regain mobility and helped by his riding father Geoff, was able to get back on a bike once more. Geoff rides alongside Stuart and uses the intercom to tell him to correct the steering when drifting off the course or has to brake.

Stuart said, ‘I have ridden for years with my dad and so it worked really well.’

Well done Stuart!

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