A Rolls Royce golf cart coupled with a Ferrari 458

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It is not the classic tale of British engineering meeting Italian exotic maker with a burning passion of fast cars, but infact, it is the ostentatious display of money.

Many other cars have been forced to make them look like Rolls Royce however, what makes this particular image special is that it is not of a Nissan Patrol made to look like a Rolls Royce but rather, as Rolls Royces are often referred to shopping mall or golf course carriers, and this golf cart is full of that irony.

The image comes from Driven Special Projects, we’re not sure if they build this RR golf cart or not but they definitely wanted to move through the golf course with subtlety.



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  1. Mialo Oraxai says

    great and super.

  2. Mialo Oraxai says

    which pricce

  3. Hassan Hasni says


  4. Talha Lakhani says

    how did this even go through?

  5. Kamran Ahmed says

    what good of both of them?

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