Demand for bullet proof cars in Pakistan rise

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In Brazil, due to gang and drug related violence, affluent people have for far long kept bullet proof vehicles as their transporter of choice. Even one day, at the M5forums, a Brazilian man showed pictures of his bullet proof E60 BMW M5 which his dad bought for him and unfortunately, due to threats and insecurity, the real essence of an M5 was destroyed so to keep it safe from guns.

Today, in Pakistan, we stand at a worse situation then other countries. Even politicians do not feel safe in the country and ruling party’s chief executive leader, Bilawal Bhutto has decided to tour only the few places in country which are safe and mostly, he would use telephone and service such as skype to address his supporters sighting security and logistical reasons.

So when the ruling government is not feeling secure, how can the rest of common citizens feel safe.

When the country is in such a predicament security condition, it comes as no surprise that businessmen and affluent people are buying as many as 35 bullet proof cars each month.

Director Toyota Central Motors (TCM), Shahzad Godil revealed that approximately 20 orders for bullet proof cars are being placed in Karachi every month and 15-20 orders come from rest of the country while three factories operate in Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar to fulfill those orders.

Mr. Godil further added that in the past, only politicians and law enforcement agencies used to order bullet proof cars which cost 3 million PKR and whose weight increase by as much as 50% while inflicting significant damage to fuel mileage however, they can withstand AK-47 gun fire.

Today though, the orders of bullet proof car which are unusually high are coming mostly from the private sector, particularly businessmen.

It seems that we would have to win our freedom all over again.

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  1. Ather Ahmad Nasir says

    are there bullet proof corolla`s aswell? :o|

  2. Jay Kay says

    are the drone proof as well..

  3. Ather Ahmad Nasir says

    allah bhala karay..

  4. Mahfuz Munir Khan PT says

    theyll have to be Obomber proof for that

  5. N-Mav says

    Nothing in this world is bomb proof but they can protect us to some extent

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