E-Lane Stickers – Why and how should you get one?!

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For people who don’t know, E-Lane stickers are the badges on your car which lets you cross military check posts at Cantonment/DHA locations swiftly without any hassle. There is a separate lane reserved for vehicles that have the E-Tags on them. Now let me emphasize on why you should get an E-Lane sticker (Or at least why I got them).

I frequently travel to DHA/Cantonment area for work or just hanging out with my friends, meaning I have to cross military check posts more than once per day. At these check posts, there are usually about 4-5 vehicles (or more) already in line, being scrutinized by the military soldiers and/or policeman. If there is a Rickshaw/Van in front of you, then the waiting time for you will increase as the checking person will surely check them as well. If you are a single person driving, or with 2-3 people (Men), chances are high that you will be stopped.

Most of the times, I am driving alone. And I don’t look suspicious at all (I would like to think so), yet there is a 90% probability 1911212_10151911095247283_1681152060_othat the checking person lets every other car go and my car is stopped for reasons unknown. They ask for my ID card (of which I keep a color copy), and if it fails to satisfy them, then my Government Service card does the trick. Here is a sample photo of mine as well for you people to judge if I am capable of any terrorist activity by looks (Humor only). I do not condemn the checking, as they are just following orders and it is for the security of the people, still it wastes some of my time, and adding it day by day, it makes up for some significant time.

The Solution: Get an E-Lane sticker. You can get the form from any check post, just ask the soldier standing and he will provide you a form for 20 RS. You have to fill the form, instructions and conditions are on the backside. And for one vehicle, you can get an E-lane sticker for 1500 Rs which lasts one year.

The Benefit: You will not have to stand in line when crossing cantonment area. There is a special lane for E-Tag vehicles and they cross over uninterrupted. If you like to save some minutes every day while commuting through cantonment areas or just don’t like the idea of your car being checked daily, then you should get an E-Lane Sticker.


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  1. Bilal Alam says

    Its a rip off-
    So basically they are telling us to either pay a "Jagga Tax" or wait in a long que- that's very sharamnaak , very unbecoming of MP. Should have been free for residents

  2. Yassir Choudhry says

    1500 tax for checking free entry

  3. Ali Alvi says

    dear… E lane sticker is not issued to every one who applies for it… it is issued after careful scrutiny and clearance from various setups….. and the fee is not any Jagga Tax… its just to facilitate the system and make sure that system is kept up to date and maintained properly…. and one thing more that it is not must that u will be let through the E Lane with out checking…. the MP can still check u for any suspicious activity

  4. Muhammad Ali says

    To me, these security check posts are just psychological barriers that army has setup. Are they able to spot any terrorist vehicles here loaded with arms & ammo, in all these years. Just looking at the ID card of a person sitting in a car does not tell you that he is not hiding a bomb in his jacket or some where else in the car. They rarely check the 4×4 vehicles, I think they might have a belief that the terrorist cant transport anything over a Parado or Land Cruiser. AND if they are still happy with these security checkpoints, the E-Tag should be free for at least Cantt residents because they have to bear the pain of standing in long lines which can be as lengthy as 1 km in peak times especially on sher pao bridge check post.

  5. Bilal Alam says

    o bhai I know what it is used for and how it works. The equipment was already bought, installed and being maintained with my tax money.

  6. Sarfraz Khari says

    bro. its way of earning for our poor army, pay army and do anything you want.

  7. Ali Alvi says

    Bilal Alam….. wat u mean by that it is maintained with ur tax money?
    there are no funds allotted by army for E lane facilities and it is maintained by the sticker fees
    and for my Muhammad Ali….. as u r not aware of the facts so u cant say that these check posts have not stopped any terrorist activities, be sure that so many vehicles have been checked and spotted with explosives and they have been put to REST
    and 1500 is for complete year not for a month or so

  8. Bilal Alam says

    They bought it before they started charging for it – which means it was bought with tax money –

  9. Zulqarnain Farooq says

    Hey Ali Alvi! Am not sure whether you are the right person to ask or not but I have a query, I live in dha and my work place is near mall road which means that i have to cross cantt every morning in the rush hours and same happens on my way back. I recently got the etag forms however i am a bit perplexed about the verification clause, for DHA residents it states 'to be verified by DHA Security (cfm of residence only)'. Does it mean that it has to be verified by any DHA security personal and also what does cfm stands for?. Also there is one clause which states 'security wise cleared YES/ON' and there is a blank next to it with the stamp sign,any idea from whom it need to get stamped.


  10. Rehan says

    Salam. I have a question.

    I am currently living in Askari 11 Bediyan road. i have to travel through cantt or DHA phase 5, where they ask for 10 rs ticket everyday.

    My question is, if i applied for E-tag, which you have referred above, then can i passed through DHA phase 5 post without giving them money? or should i applied for DHA sticker separately?

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