Old Bedford truck rests in shade

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We go around in our trusted 4x4s exploring new places all around Pakistan and apart from coming across stunning landscape, we come across local ingenuity in mechanical terms. The best display of doing the best and making the most out of the limited resources people have.

At a trip to Ari Peer in Balochistan, we came across an old BEDFORD Truck resting in shade rather in peace as they should be but local ingenuity and expensive newer options make this the optimal choice for poor truckers, and has somehow became part (/icon) of Pakistan’s truck art culture which in itself has become an international recognition of Pakistan leaving Dekotora, the Japanese equivalent, little to unknown.


Picture credit: Baber.

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1 Comment
  1. Arif Nasim says

    I've lived in Bedford, Uk for sometime and most of the people there even don't know that there used to be a factory that made trucks in the city…

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