The overloaded cars of South Korean workers fleeing North Korea

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Tensions between South and North Korea are as high as they can be, although Pakistani DHA officials don’t know the difference between South and North Korea and further nuisance to the tension, nonetheless, bordering countries have always had an exchange of workers. In Korea’s case, there are jointly operated factories in North Korea and after the recent spikes in tensions between the two countries, South Koreans in that industrial zone are packing up completely to leave.

Around 175 South Korean workers have been forced to pack up their belongings, the workers piled tools and finished products high onto the roofs of regular passenger cars as they evacuated as quickly as possible.

North Korea says the ongoing talks with its southern neighbor geared toward keeping the factory complex operational were “deceptive” given that the US and South Korean armed forces continue to practice joint drills nearby. South Korea, meanwhile, was concerned that workers could be deprived of food or medicine if the situation continued to sour.

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The evacuation has placed the future of factories operated jointly by the two countries into question and marks the most significant casualty of the continued degradation of relations between the neighbors. It is unclear when or if the facilities will reopen.

Let’s hope Pakistani transporters don’t get any idea from this.

South Korea Koreas Tension South Korea Koreas Tension South Korea Koreas Tension TOPSHOTS-SKOREA-NKOREA-US-MILITARY-ECONOMY Workers Return Home As South Korean Government Decides To Withdraw All From Kaesong Workers Return Home As South Korean Government Decides To Withdraw All From Kaesong Workers Return Home As South Korean Government Decides To Withdraw All From Kaesong Workers Return Home As South Korean Government Decides To Withdraw All From Kaesong Workers Return Home As South Korean Government Decides To Withdraw All From Kaesong Workers Return Home As South Korean Government Decides To Withdraw All From Kaesong Workers Return Home As South Korean Government Decides To Withdraw All From Kaesong Workers Return Home As South Korean Government Decides To Withdraw All From Kaesong

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