One infographic on Chinese automotive industry to make you understand everything about it

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China is fast becoming the largest automotive market in the world, the proof of which is that the German automakers make specially made long-wheel-base vehicles for China as the Chinese have a thing for big leg room in the back of the car.

Automotive website, had been researching various things about the Chinese automotive industry, and put them in an infographic so that people can understand the market easily.

Infographic? As the name suggests, it’s the graphic visual representation of information, data or knowledge. Cave paintings and maps are early examples of attempts to visualise info. ‘Pictograms’ in the signs we understand every day are another example. Anyway, ‘infographics’ today are also seen as a means to convey a story via the use of statistics and charts. We’ve been dipping our toes in the water. This infographic looks at China’s booming auto industry and its constituents. I’d be interested to know what people think…

Click on the image to enlarge.

We have mostly thought about China as a massive market for cars but this infographic’s lower part tells us some info about how wrong we were. If you look at the lowest part of the infographic, it shows info on the electric bike industry, there are 150 million electric bikes on Chinese roads. These bikes cost around 2500RMB and give a range of around 20km on a single charge, more than enough to get the vast majority of Chinese blue and white collar workers to work and back on a single charge.

You can download a PDF version of this infographic here.

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