Only 57 percent of Ferrari owners are happy

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So like you, I will also be the happiest man when I have bought a Ferrari but study conducted in England suggests otherwise. It says that only 57 percent of Ferrari owners actually found driving their exotic supercars entertaining.

The survey, which has surprised millions, was conducted by the insurer AXA Group and found that BMW drivers were happiest, with 82 percent of its owners enjoying the privilege of getting behind the wheel of their German luxury vehicle. Overall, 69 percent of drivers claimed to enjoy driving out of the 2,000 surveyed while 20 percent saw it as a necessary evil to get around town.

Moreover, the top five car-type owners in order of driving enjoyment were Aston Martin with 78 percent, Lexus with 78 percent, Seat with 76 percent, and Peugeot with 75 percent had the most happiest drivers and surprisingly, Land Rover drivers (59 percent) and Volvo drivers (46 percent) were the least happy with driving their cars.

Ferraris and Lamborghinis aren’t exactly daily-drivers and day-to-day commute might be a bit pain in them because of their stiff suspension and low driving position however, Land Rover and Volvo drivers, the least happiest with their cars comes as bit of more surprise then the Ferrari drivers.

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  1. Saad Hassan Saeed Qureshi says

    good one

  2. Imran Naqvi says

    Thanks God I didn't buy a Ferrari. I am much more happy with my Mehran. LOL!

  3. Sohail Khurshid says

    angoorz iz the khattaaz?

  4. Imran Naqvi says

    Waisay, I equally like my Mehru (Mehran) and Dora (Accord). See my Mehru here:

  5. Faisal Zahid Sheikh says

    Nothing that special about a Ferrari anymore…I think now Lamborghini rules the exotic/supercar class, especially after the Aventador.

  6. Mohammad Zahid says

    lexus is the best, dnt know when it will be officially launched in pakistan.

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