Ever since it’s partial -trial- implementation in Punjab with effect from 26th November, 2016, Dealer Vehicle Registration System (DVRS) has been reportedly been used to register more than 6,000 new vehicles through a network of 23 registered dealers in Lahore, D.G Khan, Rawalpindi and Multan.
The purpose of this system is to remove the ambiguities of vehicle registration in Pakistan and to effectively eradicate the mentality of driving un-registered (Applied For) cars. According to a spokesperson of PITB, an aggregate figure of 63.998 million rupees has been collected through this system against the registration of 6124 vehicles, which include a 4396 motorbikes, 1055 cars, 181 commercial vehicles and 42 imported vehicles.
Sources report that DVRS was a joint venture between Punjab Excise and Taxation Department and Punjab Board of Information Technology Board (PITB) for the sole purpose of eliminating bogus and un-registered vehicles in the province of Punjab. Sources further reveal that this system has helped in marginalizing evasive maneuver from taxation and late registration while facilitating citizens with a faster registration process. It has been stated that almost all types of vehicles have been registered through this system and buyers of new vehicles can pay 2000 rupees and 500 rupees extra for cars and motorbikes respectively, in order to avail this service.