Pakistani version of downhill longboarding

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On the heavenly and steep roads of Patriatta, one can experience echoes of some thing rolling down. Is it a car? Is it a tractor? Is it a Truck? NO! They are home made carts that run purely on gravity. Alongside the scenic and steep road of Patriatta, there are few homes that are not in very best shape. These villagers face regular water shortage. This made them built this marvel. They drag this cart uphill along with empty bottles in search of water and return by rolling it downhill at a reasonable speed. They are also used in transport of other goods. Its made with wood and has a proper steering and braking mechanism. The breaks are simply abandoned tire rubber attached with paddles. When the rider needs to slow down, he just pushes paddles down and the friction between road and rubber slows down the ride. The steering is simply a rope attached with the front paddles and rollers, which gives reasonable steer. These things can put a smile on any ones face.

Innocence and Brilliance does not need wealth.

Braking and Steering Mechanism:

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