Petrol price further reduces by Rs. 9.66 per litre

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Nawaz Sharif has announced to reduce the prices of petrol by Rs. 9.66 per litre. Effective Monday, petrol would be available for Rs. 84.53 per litre.

The announcement came on the inauguration ceremony of Hazara Motorway at Havelian, on Saturday. The Prime Minister also announced the reduction in the prices of diesel by Rs. 7.12 per litre, High Octane Blended Component (HOBC) by Rs. 10.18 per litre, kerosene by Rs. 4 per litre and light speed diesel by Rs. 5.39 per litre.

After the reduction, the new prices of POL products per litre would be as follows, diesel Rs. 94.9, HOBC Rs. 106.27, kerosene Rs. 83.5 and light speed diesel Rs. 77.98.

After the announcement, the PM said,

“I am sure with the reduction of these prices, the cost of production will also decrease along with the prices of food items as well,”

He also instructed the Chief Ministers of the provinces to make sure that the benefits of reduction in POL prices reach the citizens of the country in terms of lower transport fares and lower general price levels of all other items.

It is to be noted that the decision, to drastically reduce the fuel prices in Pakistan, came after the price of crude oil plunged to a record low in the international market on Thursday.

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  1. Hisam Jamal says

    Very funny…. he took the credit of reduction in prices…Awesome….
    actually prices are reduced due to rates in international market…..
    Fahad Ullah you are a great writer… why you didn’t mentioned this?

  2. Fahad Ullah says

    Thank you for your feedback, Hisam. I actually mentioned that fact in the story I did 3 days back on the subject here:

    This is a followup story of that, but you are right. I should have mentioned that for the readers who may have missed the earlier story. I will update it.



  3. Geekpk says

    ganja is behaving as if he reduced prices from his own pocket. go nawaz go.

  4. rulers_here says

    As usual Nawaz Sharif fools the Nation by taking credit as if he has done something. Truth is, internationally the price of a barrel have dropped from $115 (june) to $70 and speculators expecting a further drop to $50.

    What is Nawaz Sharif’s brilliance here ? I hope the writer adds this to his follow up as he said he will which he has so conveniently forgotten.

    Question is, If the oil prices remain like this for 6 more months then its a national saving of up to 7 billion dollars! I hope Nawaz Sharif invests this on Health or Education rather than these nonsensical Metro’s.

    PS: Hope our PM thinks like a leader this time rather that a Contractor. Give Pakistan clean drinking water atleast!!

  5. Fahad Ullah says


    It is mentioned at the end of this article that the decrease is due to the decrease in the oil prices globally. Also, I have published a follow up story on this subject. You may read it here:

    Thank you for your input. I appreciate criticism.



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