Pictures: Ferrari F40 crashed

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My childhood poster car has been crashed and it is not a good a sight for me today, infact, it is the worst thing I’ve seen today when an 80-years-old businessman from South Germany lost control of his Ferrari F40 and hit a tree.

The result as you can see is devastating. Even though it’s his car but the F40 is not just my childhood dream but of a lot more people I’ve known whether automotive enthusiasts or not, this is the car which made Ferrari a household name. From mothers to everyone – knew that a Ferrari is one expensive piece of automotive lust.

The crash which took place near the Swiss border, amazingly only resulted in injuries to the car which had accumulated around 250,000 Euros worth of damage estimated by the police which I doubt are accurate but one should expect a very large bill to fix this classic.

GTSpirit suggests that the car might be called “totaled” by the insurance company however it may return to the road given the rarity and popularity of the car but anyways, it is one painful sight for us as a childhood dream is destroyed by an old and rich businessman.

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