Electronic Driving Centres to be Launched in Lahore

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New improvements are being made in the Driving Licence centres across Punjab. The government of Punjab recently announced the introduction of “Electronic Driving Centres” across the province. Instead of driving in real cars, the applicants seeking a driver’s licence will have their tests on computer simulations.

The new system has been approved by the government of Punjab and is expected to be operational in Lahore by the end of October 2016. Electronic Driving Centres will be established in Traffic Police Centres in Thokar Niaz Baig, Police lines, Arfa software Technology Park, CTO Lahore’s Office and LCCHS Defence.

Image Courtesy pakorbit.com

This initiative by the government of Punjab is expected to make it easy and fast for people to get a driver’s licence. To get a driver’s Licence, you should have a valid learner’s permit and must get a minimum score of 75 marks in the simulation test and correctly answer basic road safety questions.

We hope this new system will ease the process of acquiring a driver’s Licence in Punjab.

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1 Comment
  1. Guest says

    Pursuing technology for the sake of looking cool.

    Simulation cannot account for many many real factors, such as the feedback in the pedals, the feedback in the steering wheel, and the feedback through the driver’s seat.

    Welcome even more dumb drivers on the roads.

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